The MMX is the 3th order of V/c
Everybody knows that the result of the experiment of Michelson and Morley is null. It follows from the theory of relativity and from the Lorentz' theory of ether with its Lorentz contraction. But if the body moves w/o contraction through the ether the MMX mist give 2nd order result in the shift of the interference bands. But then the movement of the Earth around the Sun can be fixed by this experiment. And because there was no any significant shifts had been found the ether was banished from the physics.
It is so only if the ether is the 3D essence. If to add one more dimension it is no hard to prove that the effect in MMX is very small to detect the "ether winf" ob Earth because it is of the third order wrt the ratio V/c -
It is so only if the ether is the 3D essence. If to add one more dimension it is no hard to prove that the effect in MMX is very small to detect the "ether winf" ob Earth because it is of the third order wrt the ratio V/c -
Otherwise, one can tell so. The ether is dead. Long live the ether.