понедельник, 4 октября 2010 г.

Discussion on the Google group

Theme: Is there any experiment to detect the time?
I think there isn't because there are only matter and its motion. We
can nowhere see the space but the matter and never see the time but
the movement. If so there isn't such artificial construction as the
time-space. The SR is then the theory of nothing. It has no any
relation to the nature but the abstract theory like any mathematical
theorem. The LT is the abstract
transformation in a pseudoeuclidean space without any relation to the
real matter and motion of the matter.

The tests didn't approve SR. The Lorentz contraction had never been
detected. The cosmic muon and the particles in the acceletator detect
the life-time of the particle but not the time delay. It is different
things - the proper time and the life-time.
The GR based on such waning notion as the time-space might be revised.

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