пятница, 30 апреля 2010 г.

What is the matter

The matter as we all used to consider is situated in space and is moving in time. But there are neither space nor time. Then what is the matter? Where it is? Is there the emptiness? From what the matter consist off? Why and how the matter is moving? And so on and so on.

All these questions are from the physics. The contemporary physics are relied on the idea of the existence of the space and the time. Therefore one must reconsider all the basics on which the physics stays.

One way is proposed in the model of 4D medium. It didn't answer all the questions but may be it will.

I put here the main results.

These papers I am translated to English.

1. The light in 4D-model of the Aether

2. Some consequences of 4D-model of aether

3. The hierarchy of the nature objects

4. About the result of the Michelson-Morly experiment

5. About the mass in the model of 4D-aether

6. Relativistic mechanics in the model of 4D-medium

7. The velocity of neutrino in the 4D medium mode and also on vixra.org/abs/1111.0025

About result of Michelson-Morly experiment and also on vixra.org/1204.0041

9.The nature of the Lorentz transformation  and also on vixra.org/abs/1204.0082

Other papers I will try to comment here.

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